Afterschool programming is closed on public school holidays and other school closure days (including “snow days”). These closures are factored into the semester’s overall fee and there are no make-ups for days that after school is not in session. Holiday Labs are offered on most school closure days.

In the event Game Lab is forced to cease or adjust activities due to changes in regulations, operating guidelines, or for any unforeseen circumstance, Game Lab will strive to provide alternate programming which may include providing on-line programming in lieu of in-person activities. When substituted programming options are available, Game Lab’s cancellation policy remains in effect.


If you wish to make up a School-Year Semester Program session due to illness or family schedule, please let us know. We will schedule the make-up for a Lab immediately before or after the absence (capacity permitting), preferably during the week the absence occurs. We do not issue credits for missed sessions.


We break our semester fees into equal payments that are charged monthly on the first of every month enrolled in programming. These payments remain the same, no matter the number sessions scheduled in a given month, as the monthly fee is based on the program’s total cost.

Our Afterschool program is conducted over a 5 month semester. Families who register for programming are committing to participate for the full semester. We count on our families to remain in the program for the full semester in order to plan and staff it effectively. However, if a family must terminate their enrollment at any time during the semester, we will cancel the enrollment as-of the end of that month and impose an early termination fee. Early termination will result in a fee of $20 for every month enrolled in the semester’s program, minus the first month.

There are no refunds or credits for past sessions missed.


Late Pickup

Children need to be picked up promptly. If you know you will be late, we ask that you notify us of your estimated time of arrival via phone, and this information will be relayed to the team. If you do not pick up your child within ten minutes after the conclusion of the program, we reserve the right to call all numbers listed in your registration profile to discuss pick up arrangements. After a grace period of ten minutes, a penalty of $1 per every minute late will be charged to the card on file. In the case of a cancellation after a program has started due to inclement weather, we will extend the grace period to 30 minutes from the time of the text message alerting parents to pick up their children.


In the event of inclement weather, we will bring all participants indoors to our 7th Ave locations if space allows. We will inform parents via text and email if this occurs and where they should pick up/drop off. On days where we do not have additional space to accommodate them, we may substitute outdoor activity with in-home, on-line programs. These substitutions will occur only if we cancel before the start of the outdoor activity and will occur as a last resort. The decision to cancel outdoor programming is made if children’s comfort and safety is significantly compromised by rain, thunderstorm activity, or severe heat. Parents will receive information about this change via email, and should check their in-box before heading to the Park for drop-off. 

If weather conditions necessitate us stopping our program during the day, we take shelter immediately, and notify parents with pick-up location information. We ask that parents pick up their child-- or make suitable arrangements-- as soon as possible, and within 30 minutes of being notified. If a child is allowed to self-dismiss, they will be sent home. There is no substitute, online programming in this case.

Our main outdoor activity, Battle Lab, allows children to take part in a Live Action Role Playing game in Prospect Park. Safety is our primary concern, but – as with any playground game or physical activity – the risk of injury exists. Children should wear footwear that allows them to be active and safe. Parents may choose to have their children abstain from participating by alerting Game Lab staff at drop off and emailing

Parents are responsible for supplying their children with sunscreen when necessary and are encouraged to apply it before Drop-off. Game Lab staff are not responsible for children’s sunscreen use.

Children must arrive with a water bottle.


Game Lab does not provide lunch or snacks. Game Lab does not have access to a refrigerator or microwave. All children need to bring their own bag lunches. Game Lab is now NUT-FREE. Please do not pack nut products in your child’s lunch. If your child has any severe allergy, or travels with an EpiPen please note that on your registration form with explicit written instruction for the staff.


Children are required to come to programming with a water bottle. Parents dropping off a child without one, will be asked to pick one up from a nearby bodega before checking in.


Game Lab asks that parents/guardians disclose all pertinent information regarding their child’s past school experiences and/or behavior so we may help you decide if our session is appropriate for your child. If information pertaining to special needs, behavioral, physical or other concerns is not disclosed and it is determined that Game Lab is not appropriate for your child, refunds will not be issued. 

Parents are responsible for enrolling their children in age-appropriate programming, as defined by Game Lab during the program enrollment process. Children who do not meet age requirements for a session may be asked to leave. Refunds are not issued when children are asked to leave a Game Lab session for any reason.

Lost & Found

Game Lab recommends all personal items sent with your child be clearly labeled with your child’s name. Game Lab is not responsible for any lost, stolen or misplaced items.